Mike Featured on NY Sportsday Podcast
Give a listen to this April 15, 2021 NY Sportsday “Schwartz on Sports” Podcast.WFAN Radio, CBS Sports Radio and WCBS 880 radio host, Peter Schwartz, interviews Mike and together they talk Buffalo Bisons Baseball, The Seasons of Buffalo Baseball 1857-2020 Book and more!

The first Major League Baseball regular season game in Buffalo since 1915
1987 Battle of the Lakes
We’ve had glimpses of Major League Baseball here over the years as parent clubs have come to play the Bisons, back in the days when those games weren’t shelved by the collective bargaining agreement. Click here to read the rest of the article as it first appeared in the Buffalo News
Buffalo Bisons April 14, 1988 Opening Day
The opening of the brand new baseball stadium in Buffalo NY was held on April 14, 1988. Pilot Field was dedicated by Bob Rich, Jr., Mike Billoni of Billoni Associates was the General Manager. Click here to watch the video.